Since 1967, SSDI has been a worldwide leader in power and high voltage semiconductor design and manufacturing. The engineering and technical staff draw upon 700+ years of experience in the semiconductor manufacturing field at companies like Microsemi, International Rectifier, Semtech, Motorola, and Unitrode. This wealth of technical knowledge and practical experience are essential to understand the customer's application and ensure delivered product meet or exceed the customers' needs. SSDI offers a wide range of consulting services including:
Design Support
- Material Selection
- Component Design
- Construction Analysis
- Package Design
- Radiation Effects
- Miscellaneous Consulting
COTS Management & Design
- Reliability Assessment
- Lot Selection and Qualification
- Manufacturer / Vender Selection
- Testing and Screening
Manufacturing Support
- Materials and Process Selection
- Microelectronic Assembly
- Failure Analysis
- Subcontractor Management
- Wafer Fabrication